Are there steps to reduce the impact of drought conditions?

By Grant Woods,

  Filed under:

← Grant's AnswersFood Plots
First and foremost, thank you for your site and weekly show! It has become a weekly tradition in our home for my 9 year old son and I to watch together.

I have been following your advice on food plots for the past 18 months and had great success over them last season. This year we have our plot areas ready to plant. However, we are going on nearly 100 days without rain. Is there anything you would recommend doing in drought conditions?

Our season opener here in TX is still four weeks away. With no rain in the extended forecast, our seeds are still in the packaging.

Appreciate your insights and the good work your team does!



I’m honored you trust GrowingDeer enough to share it with your son!  

The crop rotation and no-till practices I use are the best techniques I know to reduce the impacts of a drought.  

When there’s no rain in the forecast and limited soil moisture available I wait to plant. Seeds are living organisms and require moisture to germinate and grow.  The longer seeds or seedlings are without sufficient moisture the higher the stress levels and the less productive they will be throughout the life of the plant.

Sometimes drought conditions are so severe that plants simply won’t grow. During those conditions I rely on the established native vegetation and making sure the number of deer is less than the habitat can maintain in quality condition during stressful situations.

I hope it rains where you hunt soon!

Enjoy creation,


October 9th, 2015