A Deer Hunter’s Dream: A Walking World Record Buck? (Episode 47 Transcript)
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ANNOUNCER: GrowingDeer.tv is brought to you by Reconyx, Barnes, Eagle Seed, Muddy Outdoors, Trophy Rock, Antler Dirt, Nikon, and Gallagher.
WOODS: Hey, this is gonna be a great episode this week because a lot of lessons learned even without many deer on the ground because I was here with my friend Terry Hamby, who was gracious enough to invite me and some other guys to hunt his Dorena Hunting Club, southeastern Missouri where a Boone and Crockett has never been recorded in this whole county. But we’re gonna put that to bed because Terry found this incredible shed 92 inches. The only non-typical is this little tine right here, if you can see it and little dinky that’s not measurable right here less than an inch. So, 92 inches on one side. There are three assumptions why we’re here chasing. Really quickly. Three “ifs.” If the other side matched; if the deer is still alive and it looks like a real clean shed found late June, you found it, Terry? Is that right?
HAMBY: Late June. Hmm. Hmm.
WOODS: Late June. So, really good assumption that it’s still alive. And if it grew ten percent or more and this; I estimate this deer to be three years old. That’s a gross estimate, just basing on basal circumference. There’s just no mass here. So, feel pretty safe about that. If those three “ifs” are true, Walking World Record.
MCKEAN: You’re hearing more about food plots. You’re hearing more about managing the whole landscape, not…
LACORTE: (Whispering) …a while. I could see a body. I said, “That’s gotta be a buck.” I kept watching, watching, watching. And he lifted his head and I could…
WOODS: Add those three together. You’re looking at the next world record walking around. And that’s exactly why we’re hunting here.
LACORTE: (Whispering) Well, it’s October 8th. On a piece of property here called Dorena. The southeast part of Missouri. Just a few hundred yards from the Mississippi River. I’m with Dr. Grant Woods – GrowingDeer.tv. On this field, we’ve got some corn the deer have been really hitting hard. It’s pretty hot. It’s a little over 80 degrees. But, it’s pretty still. So, this is primarily an observation stand tonight. We’re going to draw in and see what happens. Possibly move our way down the field as we see deer movement. Should be a good evening. This corn is really getting hit pretty hard.
LACORTE: (Whispering) A little early movement. That’s a good sign. We’ll see what happens.
WOODS: Boy, you know, Terry, we didn’t have the best of weather here. 90’s literally during the day, 89, 91 and 60’s at night. Deer have already got their winter coat on. They’ve shed that summer coat. They’re dark brown, dark gray and long hair, so we’re hunting in t-shirts. You know, a deer doesn’t want to move much when it’s that hot out.
WOODS: Terry has a really highly managed property here, so we know where the bedding areas are. They’re by design. We know where the food is and we’re hunting those transition zones or on the food at night. Just because time was so limited due to limited movement, but everyone kept a great attitude; had a little archery contest, which Terry won with a recurve bow.
WOODS: I always tell our camera guy I want that Tom Cruise filter on our unit to help me out a little bit.
CAMERAMAN: You got a Tom Cruise filter? That’s awesome.
WOODS: No, obviously he doesn’t. I’ve been waiting for it.
WOODS: …antler growth during that time frame. Add those three together. You’re looking at the next world record walking around and that’s exactly why we’re hunting here.
HAMBY: …and cover. And as my friend, Dr. Woods says: food, water and cover and you can produce a quality deer.
LACORTE: (Whispering) It’s the morning of October 10th. We got into this stand really early. This is kind of right on the edge of that bedroom, so we slipped in really quietly. Got up in the stand. Had a pile of deer out in the beans. Uh, had a mature doe comin’ right to us.
LACORTE: (Whispering) Okay. This is about as close to getting the shot as you can get. I was at full draw waiting for her to step out she got a little antsy. I don’t know what, what got her. I don’t know if she saw me draw or heard me draw. It was pretty close. Probably about 35 yards and, uh, just turned around and, uh, took the rest of the deer with her out of the beans, so we’re gonna sit here and see if we’ve got any other deer coming from the field behind us, so pretty exciting morning so far.
LACORTE: The second to last evening hunt here. We’ve been progressively moving down the field. As we’ve been doing a kind of recon, looking. It’s real hot. It’s 90 degrees, so we got in extra early. Let things settle down. Got up in the stand. We’re all set and have been seeing a lot of deer come in to this bean field. So, we’re just gonna sit tight and see what happens. Very good. Very good.
LACORTE: (Whispering) Okay. Stop.
WOODS: Terry, uh, we had a potential observation of Walking World Record, as we call him. Uh, but, you brought the only meat, a doe to the ground. But, you know what? We still had a great hunt, didn’t we?
HAMBY: We had a wonderful hunt. Hunting is all about relationships and, and enjoying time with people that enjoy the same thing that you do and, and you come from all walks of life, but you have that one common bond of loving the outdoors and liking to get out in nature and, and enjoy that time together.
WOODS: You, I couldn’t have said it any better. Hunting is more of a relational and even spiritual recreational pursuit than it is just a trophy quest. Although, trophy quests are fun, and I want to participate in it again. I’m not talking myself out of coming back. I hope you share a great hunt this week with someone you really appreciate and enjoy and you meet someone new.
WOODS: Thanks for watching GrowingDeer.
WOODS: I just want to be humble and say, did you see that?