Deer Hunting: Patterning the Pitchfork Buck (Episode 97 Transcript)

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GRANT: Every year I try to add a couple more Muddy treestands to my arsenal as I add more hidey hole food plots, where the Reconyx data gives me a little bit more information about where deer are moving and I connect those dots. And that’s what we’ve been doing this week, is putting together and hanging some new Muddy’s.

ANNOUNCER: is brought to you by Bass Pro Shops. Also by Reconyx, Trophy Rock, Gallagher, Muddy Outdoors, Eagle Seed, Nikon, Winchester Ammunition, Redneck Hunting Blinds, Derby City Turkey Calls, Dead Down Wind, Ansmann and Antler Dirt.

GRANT: Adam and Matt and I were doing a little scouting this week. We found a big white oak in the middle of a patch of timber I don’t go in much, that’s raining acorns. A lot of caps on the ground, a lot of crunchies where the deer have been biting acorn’s in half, and that’s a great sign because acorns are just starting to fall here in the Ozark mountains. And if you can find some of those first trees that are really producing well, that’s gonna be what I call a feed tree. A lot of deer coming in there. Nice rub, 20-30 yards away, lots of scatter in the tree, lots of crunchies. We hung a Muddy in there and we’ll be hunting that site soon. That’s what I call MRI, most recent information, and sometimes your best bucks come from MRI.

GRANT: Just like MRI, you want to review your food plots even through the hunting season, not just during the growing season and summer. So we took a little time this morning to check it out and see how the wheat’s come along and how the beans are still holding up.

GRANT: Tuesday, September 27th, and it’s really a food game right now. It’s too early for the mature bucks to be doing rutting behavior. Studying food and thinking about food for next year is ideal for deer hunting and management plan.

GRANT: Huge advantage of a group seven, our really late maturing soybean, is that it keeps producing green forage until the frost. You’ll notice all throughout the whitetails’ range, most soybeans are starting to turn yellow, and when you see that, that’s not palatable to white-tailed deer. They back off that and find another food source. Having a forage crop that’s fed deer all summer long and remains palatable all the way to the first hard frost is a huge advantage as a deer hunter and a food plot manager. Not only does this bean field make a huge amount of forage in a drought year, but look at the pod production and, and because these pods, not only can I hunt here early season with all the browse pressure on the edge of the field, but I can hunt here late season cause the deer will be consuming this grain. These Eagle Seed forage soybeans are really a deer manager’s dream.

GRANT: Here’s a situation where I had a little bitty field planted in beans and they got hammered this summer due to the drought and a lot of deer. But they provided forage all summer long, still providing forage almost into October. And instead of doing anything else, we just drilled right through here and put our wheat. So we had continual forage all summer with the beans – the wheat’s coming up, and I call this keeping it green. We never clean the table. We never took all the food away by disking or something. We had food here, new food coming on here – the deer keep coming here every day, and that’s good news for a hunter.

GRANT: I had the opportunity to get two more Redneck blinds this week. Go ahead and move ‘em in the field, get ‘em ready for hunting. Now, I want to get ‘em out as early as I can so deer can acclimate to their presence. I put ‘em on food plots that are pretty big and we traditionally do a lot of rifle hunting out there with my children during youth season, and my dad, and other family members. But I may be doing some bow hunting out of ‘em cause one of ‘em we put right by an acorn tree that’s probably gonna be droppin’ pretty soon.

GRANT: We’ve completed a lot of tasks this week and got some more stands hung. But one of the most exciting things is Pitchfork. This is Pitchfork’s shed from last year. And I was really worried about him because it’s an odd shape where it released from the skull. But he’s alive and well. My neighbor’s sent me pictures of Pitchfork this summer. You know we share bucks like everyone else does. But we’re starting to get pictures on our side of the fence, so to speak, and he’s got a small pattern right now, only in one field. But last year he had a major pattern going on.

GRANT: I’m a huge fan of Reconyx’s free download called BuckView or MapView. Those are just great ways to pattern bucks and learn more about your property. Last year, we had a huge pattern of Pitchfork, 140 couple of pictures, and it started out real small like he is this year, just kind of bouncing one to two food plots, and then a third, and then moving on and moving on, and got a pretty good view of his range throughout the whole hunting season.

GRANT: This year, he’s at one plot and probably on my neighbor’s land, too. But it will start expanding soon, as acorns start dropping and does start wearing that magic perfume. It was so relieving to see that Pitchfork didn’t have a brain abscess because when I look at this antler, it caused me wonders. Pitchfork’s alive and well, way up on my wish list, let’s see if we can connect with him as the season progresses. You know I hope you’ve got some bucks you’re dreaming about on your property and I hope you’re starting to get a pattern going on. Get outside and enjoy Creation this week. Thanks for watching