Will a protein feed attract more bucks than corn?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersHunting Tactics
Hi Grant,

I love watching your videos and reading your blogs. I feel like I’ve learned a great deal from you.

I have a question. Last year, we purchased 40 acres just west of Holdenville, Oklahoma. I feel we have pretty decent deer traffic for the small acreage. My question though, is that we have had almost zero buck traffic at all. I have a 3G trail cam that text me pictures but never get any bucks. I run a corn feeder year round, and a friend suggested running a gravity feeder with Antler Maxx as well and that will increase buck traffic. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Shawn


I’m not aware of any feed that attracts deer better than corn during the fall/winter in most cases/places.  Corn contains a lot of carbs and deer seek carbs during this time of year.  

Bucks (or does) rarely travel outside their home range.  Bucks may be avoiding your feeder/camera because the associate the area with fear if you’ve hunted near the feeder. You might try placing the camera by a scrape or other area deer don’t associate with fear.

Enjoy creation,
