Where should I hunt during the late season in Illinois?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersHunting Tactics
I live in Illinois and I’m going hunting in late season for deer my farm has no corn left on both fields where should I hunt on my farm if there’s no food in the fields? Should I hunt in the timber during this time or in the feild? From your viewer Will.


I always assess stand location options by considering why and when deer would be traveling by that site.  Deer need quality food, cover, and water daily and prefer sources of these resources that they don’t associate with danger.  Is there a quality source of food, cover, or water on a neighboring property that would cause deer to travel in a certain area of your farm?  Where are deer feeding now?  Where are the they likely bedding?  It may be that two of these resources are on opposite sides of a corn field and deer are frequently crossing the opening. It may be the hunting pressure has been so high in the area that deer are remaining in cover during daylight hours. 

Consider these factors, scout for sign and I suspect a good stand location will become obvious.

Enjoy creation,


January 6, 2016