Where should I establish a mock scrape?

By Grant Woods,

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I’m a big fan of you and all you do, and I figured you’d be the guy to ask. I’m planning on putting in a rub post/scrape tree on my property. My question is regarding it’s location and or if they can be used as one in the same or make 2 different entities. I’ve got about a 2 acre soy bean plot surrounded by hardwoods and CRP, and I’ve got about a 3/4 hidey hole plot. My tract has 10 acres of CRP and 8 acres of hardwoods and 3 acres of food plots all surrounded by large tracts of hardwoods, creek bottoms and Ag fields.



Thanks for sharing the encouraging words!  

Scrapes and rubs are like stop signs to humans.  They only get our attention if they are where we travel and are easily visible.  I primarily establish mock scrapes about 20 yards from a stand/blind and place the scrape in a field or somewhere open.  

Based on the description of your property, I’d consider establishing the scrape in the soybean plot – in an area that favorable for you to approach, hunt, and exit without alerting deer.  I’d rather have two mock scrapes than a scrape and a rub.  Mock scrapes can be tremendous tools!

Enjoy creation,
