When should I start a food plot?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersFood Plots
Hello Grant,
You talk a lot (and for good reason) about using plants to mine nutrients from deeper within the soil. The plants also provide a “loosening” of the soil by the way the roots grow and die and leave small “paths” in the soil which can otherwise be packed down by tilling.
Here is my question:
For a couple new plots we just tilled in the woods, should I try to plant wheat/radish or clover this winter? Keep in mind that the ph is probably hi 5s or low low 6. It is probably low on other key elements also as it is a 10 year old cut over stand. Or……. Should I save my time and money (not to mention don’t disturb the place prior to the approaching hunting season) and let weeds grow up? Wont the weeds also provide some of the benefits mentioned above? Will they be too tough to fight later if I let them establish now? Next spring, when I kill weeds or desirable plants” won’t they mine the same nutrients and thus compost to the same effect?
I hope I’ve made my question clear and thanks for your help!


I’d start the plots now.  The weeds will produce more seed – especially the ones deer don’t consume!

Begin by taking a soil test and adding the recommended amount of lime and fertilizer and then planting.  Deer typically ignore disturbances such as clearing ground.  Deer will avoid while the immediate location while the work is occurring but rapidly return once the heavily fertilized forage is growing!  

I suspect by the time season opens you’ll be happy you started now!  

Enjoy creation,
