What to Plant During Late August

By GrowingDeer,

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Hi Dr. Woods,

I met you at Bass Pro in Olathe this year and I wanted to thank you for the extra time you spent with us there.  I have 30 acres of woods and about a 1/2 acre clearing that I haven’t planted anything in.  Could you suggest something to plant this late in the year that could still provide some good hunting?




I enjoyed our visit at Bass Pro!  Wheat (especially forage varieties) is a fine food plot crop.  It readily transfers available nutrients from the soil to forage that deer readily consume.  Extra nitrogen tends to make wheat more attractive to deer (within reason – an extra 50 pounds per acre is usually good – an extra 300 pounds per acre is not good!).  Wheat is easy to plant either by using a no-till drill or broadcasting.  Brassicas, clover, etc, can be added to create a blend.  I like to add some clover in areas where I will also be turkey hunting as the clover will come on strong during the spring.

Growing Deer together,
