What is the tree stand rifle rest you used in episode 315?

By Grant Woods,

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Grant, I love watching your shows each week as I’m getting a late start on hunting. I’m 63 and have been hunting 3 years and love it. Watching episode #315 I noticed you were in a tree stand and had your rifle rested on a device I would love to have on my Tree stand. Could you tell ne what the name is and where I could find one? I’m suppose Bass Pro has them.

Thanks, Steve Wilson

P.S. Thanks for keeping us update on your father’s condition and praying he is fully healed.


I’m thrilled you enjoy hunting!  

I use and really like the Cadwell TreePod.  I’ve tagged several bucks using this rest.  To learn more check out:  http://www.btibrands.com/product/deadshot-treepod/

I also use their FieldPod when hunting in blinds or off the ground.  Check out:  http://www.basspro.com/Caldwell-DeadShot-FieldPod/product/10213272/

I’m with Dad now!  He’s receiving his fourth chemo infusion.  He had a great checkup this morning and the Doc’s tell us the cancer is 99% gone! That’s a huge praise!

I sincerely appreciate you praying for Dad!

Enjoy creation,


December 10, 2015