What causes the October Lull?

By Grant Woods,

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What’s your opinion on what they call the “October lull” I have definitely seen a decrease in deer movement on my property during daylight and my cameras say the same thing but why is that? Here in central kentucky the arcorns are few and far in between especially white oaks so getting a travel pattern to and from where they are eating hasn’t been easy, it seems to be that they are just roaming trying to find what few acorns there is. Any suggestestions? My food plots got flooded out this year.


I’m don’t believe in a defined October Lull.  I think this is often a time of changing patterns, food resources, etc. 

During October most deer have just shed their summer coat and replaced it with longer, darker hair designed to keep deer warm during the winter.  However, the daytime temperatures are often warm to hot during October.  This seems to be why deer are so active during cold fronts in October.

Deer are also switching from needing/desiring a protein based diet to one high in carbs.  Hence deer often change where they eat this time of year.  Depending on the habitat these changes can be from one side of their home range to the other.  

These and other transitions make patterning deer during October tough in many areas.

I focus on hunting during cold fronts and carb rich food sources. I tagged a mature buck yesterday using these strategies!

Enjoy creation,


October 27, 2015