Proper Planting Depth For Mixed Blend Planting

By GrowingDeer,

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← Grant's AnswersAsk Grant

Dr. Woods,

I just recently found your site and I really appreciate the information that you have made available to the “average” Joe like me.  My question is about planting.  I am from western Pennsylvania.  I have cleared an area approximately 80 yards by 25 yards in a creek bottom, which was pretty much all skunk cabbage.  I am following the recommendations of fertilizer and lime applications as a result of a soil test.  I sprayed the third application of glyphosphate this past Saturday and plan on tilling & planting next weekend.  My choice of seed is BioLogic Maximum and I plan to add some of their new Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets to the mix.  My hope is that the sugar beets will be attractive to the deer prior to the hard frost that seems to be necessary to make the brassicas more palatable.  My local seed distributor provided me with a bag of “wildlife peas” that are outdated.  I’m thinking of planting some of these, then using a drag harrow to incorporate a little deeper into the soil, then broadcasting the brassica/beets mix over top.

Your thoughts?

Thank You,



It’s always difficult to plant a blend of different sized seed.  As a general rule of thumb, larger seed should be planted deeper.  I agree with your plan of planting the peas first and attempting to place them an inch deep or less in the soil.  Then simply broadcast the beets and brassicas seed on top of the prepared seedbed.  This will work best if you can time the planting to occur just before a rain.

Growing Deer together,
