May I film some of your hunts?

By Grant Woods,

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hey guys well i got a question to ask i know you guys probably get it alot. But we have been filming for a year now and i noticed that you guys hunt in Switzerland County, well i live 10-15 minutes away from there. i was going to see when we get a good buck kill if there was any chance you guys could get it on your show. I also have 257 acres in Kentucky me and who ever can hunt it is great property. you guys would be more than welcome to hunt. and i would be more than happy to travel with you guys and film you guys on your hunt if you guys could get back with me that would be great.



You may be referring to seeing one of our Pro Staff members hunting in Switzerland County, Indiana (the only state with a Switzerland county that I’m aware).

I do frequently hunt in Kentucky with a very good friend.  Thanks for the offer to film us! Adam, Daniel, Matt and I usually are traveling and hunting/filming together.

Enjoy creation,
