Is milo detrimental to the environment?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersFood Plots
Dear Dr. Woods

My name is Eric and I am a 25 year old new hunter. I am interested in you teachings about food plots. As of last spring due to droppings from my bird feeder milo has started to grow in my yard. I let the small patch of milo grow and produce seeds. My question to you is. Would it be detrimental to the environment if I went out and planted this small crop of milo seeds that I grew? I am only talking In Terms of maybe a quarter pound of seed. I would like to try to grow a bigger food plot from this modest start. I am currently an under grad and have little money to invest in hunting. This is the only reason I don’t invest in soy beans or other food plot mixes.

Thanks a lot!
Eric F Geier


Thanks for watching!

Milo isn’t harmful to the environment.  I don’t know if the seed used in that bird feed product is protected by laws. You might read the fine print on the feed bag.  I can’t speak to the legality of planting it, but am certain the Milo won’t harm the environment!

Enjoy creation,


December 4, 2015