Is it tough to become wildlife biologist or land manager?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersWildlife Careers
Dr. Woods, my name is Nic and I’m currently considering being a wildlife biologist and or a land manager. I have a few questions about this occupation. Is this field a good one to consider? Is it tough to make a solid living doing this? Do you just have to know the right people or have a family that owns land? Any reply would help me. Thank you.


There was a book years ago that listed 150 professions.  Wildlife biologist were rated 149 lowest in salary…  

With that said I believe we all should do what God built us to do.  I never wanted to be anything but a deer biologist – from the age of six till today.  If you truly believe you should be a wildlife biologist then go to a good school like The University of Georgia or Mississippi State and pursue the career. If you are really good at being a wildlife biologist you’ll get a job and make a better than average salary for that profession.  

One of the best ways to learn if you really like a profession is to do an internship in that position.  I also encourage you to pray intentionally about what God wishes for your life.

Finally, meeting and spending time with established folks in a profession that interest you is always a wise choice. I started my career by volunteering a summer in the state of Nevada and worked with mule deer. It was a great springboard to my career!

Enjoy creation,
