Is it an advantage to be scent free in areas where deer are used to your presence?

By Grant Woods,

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Grant,I’m so happy you are doing this”question/answer “thing. I’ve picked up a lot. Thank you.
I was wondering what your take is on being “scent free” in locations that deer are used to you being out on the property on a regular basis. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt but I’m not sure just how important it is in this circumstance.I went on stand last night and purposely wore my farming boots just to see if I got a reaction. I had a forkhorn pick up my scent about 35 yards out from the stand.He tracked me to within 7 yards and did some looking but was not alarmed by my scent.After casually looking around he continued feeding and actually came back an hour later with no regard to the scent trail I had left earlier.
Granted,this was not a wise old deer,but I’d sure like to hear your opinion of these situations.
Thanks again!


I always wish to reduce the odds of alerting deer as much as possible.  I’d strongly prefer to be scent free versus having a deer that’s used to smelling know I’m present and look at me. The deer may react to me drawing a bow, etc.

Enjoy creation,


November 3, 2015