How should I manage property in a CWD Management Zone?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersHabitat Management
I have property in Franklin County Missouri. This past fall there was a deer found in Franklin Co. with CWD. Now we are going to be moved into a CWD Management Zone. I am told that doing anything that causes deer to unnaturally congregate in one spot will soon be against the new regulations in this area. We will no longer be able to use Minerals like Trophy Rocks, supplemental feeders through the long winter months, or grain in front of a camera to see what deer are using the area to make our hit list. I called the Missouri Department of Conservation. The person I spoke with said that this could go as far as not allowing food plots, or forest management that would attract deer.

I am feeling quite lost on how to manage my property.
Do you have any advice?

Thank you
Bob Vondera


I feel certain the person you spoke with provided incorrect information.  The Missouri Department of Conservation (and others states) have prohibited using grain or minerals in areas where CWD positive deer have been found. However, Missouri certainly hasn’t limited food plot or timber management practices and has shown no sign of doing so.  There have been CWD Management zones in northern Missouri Counties for years and there has been no move to limit these habitat management options.

I suggest you continue striving to help the deer herd and other wildlife by providing the best habitat feasible.

Enjoy creation,


January 6, 2016