How hard is it to plant and maintain Eagle Seed forage soybeans?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersFood Plots

I am coming in to a new lease soon and I plan on doing some food plots. On one of the plot I want to do the Eagle Seed Soy beans. I seen it works great where you are at. The area is a wooded area I am getting rid of some trees that are already dead and using it to plant a food plot. I was wondering how hard is it to plant the soy beans and how much care do they take one the ground is tilled and the soy beans are planted. Thanks for your time in this matter. Also thank you for allowing me to be part of your field staff team. Because of you I have changed my degree path in college to Wildlife management. Thank you and God Bless.


Thanks for being part of the GrowingDeer Team!  We’re honored to work with you!!

Eagle Seed forage soybeans are very drought resistant and easy to keep weed free.  Simply prepare a seedbed and always do a soil test (  Remember that malnourished won’t grow well and won’t taste as good/attract deer as well nourished plants.  This is why it’s so important to do a soil test and add the appropriate nutrients with any crop!

Soybeans do best when planted when the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees at 2″ deep (and no cold front is coming).  Many states have a website that shows soil temperatures by county.

I like to plant soybeans about 1/2″ deep. Don’t plant them too deep.  Just make sure the seeds are covered with soil.  

Once the beans have germinated it’s easy to control the weeds by using glyphosate (Roundup).  This won’t harm the beans but will control the weeds.

Enjoy creation,


January 12, 2016