How do I turkey hunt?

By Grant Woods,

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← Grant's AnswersTurkey Hunting
Dear Grant,
Im not much of a turkey hunter but where my hunting farm is located we have tons of them. I usually see turkeys every time I go to my land. Sometimes though, they aren’t always on my land. I know my area has an ample amount of turkeys. My question is, How do I even begin to hunt turkeys? We have many small green fields full of wheats and clovers . We also have a 120 acre alfalfa field that borders a wood line where the turkeys fly down from. I don’t know where to start. How do you scout them? Im planning to hunt with my bow from a ground blind FYI.
Thanks so much,


A good answer to your question will require more space than available in this format.

I suggest you start by watching our turkey hunting episodes.  We cover everything from scouting to decoy techniques.

It sounds like you have an excellent property for turkey hunting!

Briefly – I’d scout and determine where gobblers roost and fly down frequently.  I’d place a blind within 20 yards of or so of the fly down location – with the sun being behind the blind during the morning.  This alone by be enough technique for you to get a tom!

Enjoy creation,


February 22, 2016