Food Plot Fertilizer – Antler Dirt

By GrowingDeer,

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My hunting property is in south central Alabama.  We manage for larger, mature bucks and the soil is considered very good.  In addition, I’ve limed and have brought the pH to recommended optimum levels.  Will Antler Dirt make a substantial difference in my area for antler development? Is it still worth the investment?



Antler Dirt is great fertilizer plus an excellent source of organic matter that contains soil building bacteria.  If the soil at your property is dark, includes plenty of organic matter, and you’re pleased with the crop yield, then it’s probably not worth the expense to ship it that far.

If your food plots have been used as logging decks, or other activities that tend to compact the soil, or you believe there is not a high level of humus or beneficial bacteria in the soil, then it may be worth investigating the shipping cost.  I have used the liquid version (called Tea) that includes the beneficial bacteria, but not the full amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous, trace minerals, and organic matter, when it was not convenient or was cost prohibitive to apply the much heavier composted product with good results.

The boys at Antler Dirt have been receiving requests for franchises.  You might check to see if a franchisee is close to your property.

Growing Deer together,
