Elk in Missouri

By GrowingDeer,

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Is November 5th, 2009 GrowingDeer.tv’s first video available to the public?  If it is not how do I view earlier videos?

Also, what are your thoughts on the MDC’s intention of releasing elk into MO and how will it affect local deer populations?




Yes, our first episode was published November 5th, 2009 (GDTV 1).

I haven’t heard that the Missouri Department of Conservation has plans to release elk into Missouri.  I do know that a few elk (5 or so) have been observed in one of the public use areas that is close to the Arkansas border.  Of course Arkansas has a limited season for elk, and has had for many years.  So it’s a safe assumption that a few elk will wonder north of their border from time to time.

Growing Deer (and watching for elk) together,
