Do you prefer to hunt cut corn fields or acorns?

By Grant Woods,

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Hi Mr. Woods. I’ve been a subscriber to your weekly videos for a few years now. You have helped me learn alot about deer and wildlife management and you have also helped me find a new hobby. I love working on my food plot. The question I have is this; Here in north Alabama they have recently harvested all the corn and the acorns are dropping. However the acorn crop is not as plentiful as it was last year. If I was to set a stand on public land would you focus on the Acorns or the harvested corn fields? I remember you have have said that at this time of year the deer leave the food plots for the acorns. But would the corn be better?

Thank you for all your inspiration and thank you for not hiding your faith.

Ian LaCasse


Thank you for sharing the kind words!

Deer seek the best food within their home range that they don’t associate with danger.  If the cut corn fields are being hunted much I’d probably prefer a location by acorns where there was less hunting pressure.  In addition, deer may be using the acorns as a staging area before entering the cut corn field.  Another consideration is it’s often easier to pinpoint where deer are eating acorns than where they are entering a field if the field is very large.

I’d probably spend an afternoon scouting the cut corn field from a distance.  If you like the amount of deer activity observed during daylight then that may be a good location.  However, deer often will feed on acorns or in areas with less hunting pressure compared to open fields – especially during legal shooting light.

Enjoy creation,


October 20, 2015