Can I make a food plot with limited tools?

By Grant Woods,

  Filed under:

← Grant's AnswersFood Plots
Hey, Grant!

I’ve got a 110 acre lease in the timberland of East TX from a logging company which I’m disallowed from doing any serious land management. There’s about a 1.5 acre clear cut area that I could possibly make a small food plot on, but I’m not allowed to clear the stumps, till it, or use herbicide. What would be your suggestion as to how to go about implementing a food plot here, and what would you recommend as far as seed? There are also some fire breaks that get enough sunlight (the canopy is pretty heavy in most places that aren’t cut) to possibly broadcast out some seed as well. Thanks!


I suspect the clearcut is covered with weeds and saplings. It sounds as if you’d have to pull the weeds by hand.  If saplings are growing in the area it will be very tough to convert to a food plot with using some type of tillage. I like the idea of planting in firebreaks!  These areas will be small, but large enough to attract deer.  Both soybeans and wheat do well in east Texas.  However it will be difficult to control weeds in soybeans without the use of herbicide.  It may be best to use plenty of fertilizer and plant wheat during the fall.  These small plots can be established by using hand tools and could be very effective stand locations!

Enjoy creation,
