Triticale as a Cool Season Forage

By Grant Woods,

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I have to say that our hunting club is very happy with all of our crops this year, especially the Eagle Seed Beans.  They just keep growing even with heavy browse pressure and that is awesome.  My only regret is that we did not put a utilization cage up.  We try to provide enough quality forage year round (beans, corn, clover and cereal grain in the fall).  My question is about Triticale.  Is it any better than wheat or oats?  I can buy wheat for about $8.00/bag.  What are your thoughts?

I really enjoy your website!  Very good Stuff!

Lance (Alabama)


I’m not a fan of Triticale.  Wheat does a fine job of transferring nutrients to deer if it is fertilized and established properly.  There are probably some geographic areas or circumstances where Triticale performs better than wheat, but I’ve yet to see them.  Until I have a different experience, I’m sticking with wheat as my cereal grain of choice for cool season food plots.

Growing Deer together,
