Video Search Results for “hot zone fence”

Ep. 471: Tagging Deer | Post Rut Strategies and Lessons from the Hunt

Tyler has a great encounter with a LOT of inches of antler during rifle season. Watch this very exciting hunt and the lessons learned. Grant explains a hunting strategy that can yield interesting results! Plus, see the details on a late season hunting tip for targeting deer seeking energy rich food sources!

Ep. 454: Deer Hunting Strategies | Scouting Velvet Bucks | Treestands

Deer season is just around the corner so we're scouting velvet bucks in the food plots! The anticipation is starting to build! Plus: preparing and maintaining the Summit treestands for new hunting strategies, an update of summer food plots, summer water resources, and best of all...a mature old buck is back on the trail cameras - Highriser!

Attracting bucks into Range In the Late Season

Opening the gate in the Hot Zone fence is a sure way to attract bucks into bow range during the late season. That standing soybean with protein rich pods is impossible for them to resist!


The Hot Zone fence is performing as expected! These deer are obviously tempted!